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Training courses approved by the General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training:

Course: Managing and organizing events and conferences

Accreditation number: 599351767


Course: Official Spokesman and the Art of Dealing with the Media

Accreditation number: 599351767


Media and organizing events

Media and organizing events play a vital role in enhancing event communication and social interaction, and enhancing community awareness and participation. They can also contribute to strengthening cultural affiliation and strengthening the local economy. Therefore, attention must be paid to organizing events well and enhancing the role of the media in conveying information and broadcasting meaningful messages to the public.

 Event organizing training courses are a powerful tool for developing the skills and knowledge needed to organize and manage events effectively. They include learning how to develop comprehensive event plans, set goals and schedules, and manage resources. Participants learn how to analyze event needs and organize aspects such as space, venues, services, and logistics, as well as how to prepare and manage an event budget, including setting expected costs, managing expenses, evaluating financial return, team management and collaboration, and evaluating and analyzing performance.

Distinguished Elite Training provides training courses in the field of media and events that work to expand knowledge and improve the practical and technical capabilities necessary to work in the media industry. It also contributes to raising the level of professionalism and excellence in performance and enhancing professional development opportunities in this diverse and dynamic field.


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